The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

SECTION 2 BASEBALL' THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1945. BASEBALL Widmar io Face ft, 4 Indians Service Veterans Shine In Majors Benton, Livingston, Tobin Among Returned Key Men New York, April 30 (AP) Honorably discharged veterans held key positions in the 1945 pennant race today although the draft boards continue to take about eight men for every former athlete returned. a i Tonight Toledo ab.hpo.a. Ind. ih.h.ooi.

Columbus Tilt Postponed; Brews, Millers, Tribe Win Al Widmar, who won the Louisville Colonels opening game at Toledo and then beat the Hens again in the opener here, will be the flinger tonight when the Colonels take on Indianapolis at 8 p.m. on Parkway Field, seeking his third straight victory. RUBY'S REPORT Commissioner Happy Chandler Finds Self Back In Lexington With 'Red Sweater, $5 and Smile' Versailles, April 30. Senator-Baseball Commissioner A. B.

"Happy" Chandler, who made his first appearance in Lexington in 1917 with "an old red sweater, a $5 bill, and a 'smile, made his first visit to the Bluegrass metropolis as the czar of baseball today once more clad in an old red sweater, carrying $5 or more, and that same old smile. "Mrs. Chandler locked up my clothes closet preparatory to our leaving for St. Louis tonight," Happy explained to a grinningcrowd at the weekly meeting of the Co-Operative Club, "and then went out calling. I couldn't find a coat or a hat, but I told you fellows I was coming, so here I am.

just as I am." Fred Jackson, a Lexington newspaper man, called out from the back of the room, "That's all right, Happy, the first time you came here you wore an old red sweater!" And Chandler grinned, "That's right, Fred but then I DIDN'T HAVE a coat!" Chandler is an honorary life member of the Co-Op club, of which Adolph Abraham is president, and never misses an opportunity to attend. He's going back Monday night for a very special meeting a testimonial for the Commissioner. 7lV Like a Run On a Bank9 Some time ago Dudley J. Burke, a Fayette County commissioner and former bat boy for the senator-commissioner, watched a line of Happy's friends filing in his cabin door and remarked, "It beats nearly anything I ever saw it's like a run on the bank!" If it were so then, it was doubly so today as the smiling successor to the late Judre K. M.

Landis, Kimble 4 2 2 3 Heltel 2 10 3 Wren 2 4 0 4 4 Morgan I 4 110 Cor a m-r 1 I 0 Shune lb 4 11 Rpinhart 12 2 10 F.nailh 3 4 0 2 1 Okrle I 2 0 2 0 Wfnl1 1 4 Bnken 3 10 0 riavli 3 2 10 Smith 2 10 0 Bradv 2 10 Igna- Ih 3 8 0 Fletcher 2 3 12 2 Lanf ik 3 9 2 0 1 Jimtner 3 111 Misslerc 4 0 8 1 Durheim 10 11 Mains 110 1 Totals 31 1 27 10 Kaufm'n 2 0 0 1 Knierim 0 0 0 0 Thom*o'n 10 0 0 Powell 0 0 0 1 month by an operation on his pitching elbow from which i four bone chips were removed. 1 Dr. John ClQridge said today the surgery was "highly successful" and that the veteran right-hander would be able to leave Mercy Hospital in a day or two. Dodgers Take Exhi. New York.

April 30 'AP The Brook, lyn Dodgers whipped the St. Albans Naval Hospital team. 8-. in an exhibition game today at Sherwood Oval. Athletics Triumph.

Hempstead. N. April 30 iAP The Philadelphia Athletics beat the Mitrhel Field Team. 9-1. today In an exhibition game before a large crowd of wounded soldiers recently returned from Europe.

JO I ih VvY V- V'L "fc Hii A 7 spent his first day at home since his surprise appointment. Between handshakes, phone calls, business visits, dictation, and tossing footin's into his mammoth open fireplace, he kept up a rapid-fire conversation with eral old buddies lounging before the fire. "Don't all these calls and visitors bother you?" a neighbor exclaimed, and Happy replied, as he answered Burke's remark before, "No sir, but they would, brother if they should stop!" At Happy's gracious invitation I spent the day with On the way I pictured a quiet talk over old football and baseball days in the spacious Pow-Wow Chicago, April 30 C4) New Baseball Commissioner A. B. (Happy) Chandler will have his first pow-wow with the two western members of the major league advisory committe at St.

Louis tomorrow. They are President Will Har-ridge of the American League and Leslie M. O'Connor, secretary to the late commissioner, K. M. Landis, who will leave tonight for the, St.

Louis Browns' flag-raising ceremony which also will be attended by Chandler. 1 A reception for the new commissioner is plannned by Donald L. Barnes, president of the American League champions, before a dedicatory night game between the Browns and the Cleveland Indians. Mimi Chandler Cabell AP Wlrsphot. HITS SECOND 4-RUN HOMER Russ Derry, the Missouri farmer playing his first season with the New York Yankees, Sunday smashed his second homer with the bases loaded.

Russ also crashed another round-tripper in the game won by the Yanks, 13-4, from "Washington. Cronin Happy As Ferriss Backs Up Leibold's Praise cabin his. friends gave him in appreciation of his outstanding work as Governor of Kentucky (1935-39). But I should have known better. Like a child in a railroad station, I watched the people come and go, heard the incessant ringing of the telephone bells, and was awed by the locomotive drive of my sweater-clad host.

Drake Nave, a former senator now manager of the Farmers Union, State Senator Bill Stewart of Versailles, State Senator Strother Melton from Paducah, State Senator Charles Warner of Mayfield, and Commissioner Burke were among the early morning visitors. On the phone were Tom Swope, veteran Cincinnati sports writer, Ray Nelson of the St. Louis Star Times and scores of others. At noon we drove to Lexington for the Co-Op luncheon and were to return immediately, but Happy can't return immediately from anywhere. He had to stop and give a bear hug to two time-honored friends of his old baseball days, Mike Wellman, the barber, and Felix Kennedy, the hardware man.

Tm Sitting On Top of the World' As we alighted from our car by the side yard (which the Chandlers' acquired by buying the lot with a house on it and selling the to a neighbor, who hauled it off). Happy spotted his older ton, Ben, 15, shooting a basketball at a rusty old goal on a weather-beaten banking board, and dashed for the court, "Give me a pass, Son," he called, "and I'll show you how to make 'two points." The two battled for baskets until a long distance call broke it up. As Happy walked toward his cabin he sang lustily, "I'm sittin' on top of the world, just rolling along, just singing a song," and Commissioner Burke grinned, "You ain't kidding." Then came more dictation, more callers, more visitors. W. I.

Lyons of Louisville, Lt. John A. Welsh of Cincinnati, and W. C. McCauley, mayor of Versailles.

Then dinner, and a rush to leave for Louisville, where Happy and Mrs. Chandler were to entrain for St. Louis. You hold down the house, will you Mimi?" Chandler said, "As usual," smiled the pretty little daughter, who gave up a Hollywood for marriage (to an Army officer now in the Pacific) and home, "but please hurry back, or you'll have a nervous breakdown for a daughter." The Indians make Iheir first visit to Louisville under the leadership of Bill Burwell, fofmer Louisville manager. After the final game of the Columbus series was called off early yesterday because of cold weather, it was announced that Frank Piet, utility infielder, would join the club tonight.

Piet for a while believed he was frozen to his war job in Chicago. Indianapolis Indianapolis, April 30 C45) The Tnrliannrnlie Inrligno (9ckinn 11 ,.1 it-. runs from nine hits and 10 walks tonight to whip Toledo's Mud Hens, 11-5, and gain an even break in a four-game series. Indianapolis shelled Jim Mains, the Toledo starting pitcher, for five hits and eight runs in the first three innings and maintained the advantage at the expense of three other Buckeye hurlers. Pedro Jiminej, Cuban righthander, was combed by the Hens for 11 hits In seven rounds, but Jimineji and his successor, Harry Durheim, left 11 runners stranded on the bases.

Millers Again Kansas City, April 30 CP) Minneapolis took the second of a three-game series with the Kansas City Blues todav. 5-3. and closed its western trip with four victories oui 01 live starts. mm Milwaukee 6-1 Milwaukee, April 30 (JP) Floyd Speer, Milwaukee righthander, fanned nine St. Paul batters and scattered three hits as the Brewers won 6-1 in a morning game today to sweep the series with the Saints.

Joe Vitter's seventh-inning circuit clout deprived Speer of a shutout. St. Paul ab.h.po.a. Milw. ab.h.po.a.

Tuckers 3 0 2 4 Hullo 2 5 14 3 tFord 1 0 0 0 Biggs 1 0 2 Vitter 2 4 1 3 2 Burgo 1 4 3 10 Platek 3 0 2 0 Koxeskv 3 1 0 0 Marlon 1 3 0 11 Norman 3 1 0 0 lb 3 1 10 0 Nance 3 4 10 0 Chapm'n 3 0 0 0 Etchi'n In 3 1 13 0 Kimball 3 3 0 3 2 Steph's'n 5 3 1 Narron 3 0 3 0 Speer 2 10 0 Tartp 2 10 3 Webb 0 0 0 0 Miller 0 0 0 1 Totals 34 13 27 12 Scheiwe 1 0 0 0 for Miller in 8. Totals 29 3 24 13 for Tucker in 9. St. Paul Milwaukee 000 000 1001 000 002 31x 8 Tucker. BB Speer.

Rullo. Vitter. Ftchlson 2. Stephenson. Norman.

Burgo. Norman. MR Vitter. Speer. DP Tucker.

Vitter and Schoendienst: Nance, Rullo and Etchison. LOB St. P. 1: 14. BB Tart Webb 1.

Miller 2. SO Tart 3. Speer 9. Tart. 9 in 8 to 2 in 7i: Webb.

2 in Miller. 3 in 1. LP Tart. Calendar Standing of the Teams AMERICAN Team. W.

Milw'kee 5 Indi'polis 7 Min'oolis 5 L'VILLE NATIONAL Team. New York 8 Chicago St. I-ouis 8 Boston ASSOCIATION. L. Pet, Team.

2 .714 Columbus 5 4 .636 Kan. City 3 3 .625 Toledo 3 4 .556 St. Paul 1 LEAGUE. L. Pet.

Team. 4 .667 Brooklyn 5 4 .636 Cincln'ati 4 .558 Pittsburgh 4 5 .345 Philadelp. 3 L. Pet. 5 .500 4 .429 7 .300 5 .166 Pet.

5 6 1 .364 .273 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Team. W. Pet. Team.

W. Pet. Chicago 5 2 .714 Washl'ton 8 5 .545 Detroit 8 3 .667 St. Louis 4 5 .444 New York 7 4 .638 Boston 3 8 .273 Philadelp. 6 5 .543 Cleveland 3 7 .222 Yesterday's Games AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.

Milwaukee 6. St. Paul 1. Columbus-LOUISVILLE, postponed cold weather. Indianapolis 11.

Toledo 5. Minneapolis 5. Kansas City 9. NATIONAL LEAGUE. No games scheduled.

AMERICAN LEAGUE. No games scheduled: SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. No games scheduled. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Buffalo-Jersey city, postponed rain.

Montreal-Newark. poMnoned rain. Syracuse 3. Rochester 0 Baltimore 11. Toronto 10.

Today's Games AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus at Toledo. Indianapolis at LOUISVILLE. Milwaukee at Kansas City. Minneapolis at St.

Paul. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis at Pittsburgh l-2. Boston at Brooklvn.

New York at Philadelphia. Only games scheduled). AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland at St. Louis (night).

Philadelphia at New York. Washington at Boston. Chicago at Detroit. Detroit's Al Benton is one of the most conspicuous of the ex-servicemen able to step back into big league stride. The 32 year old Oklahoma righthander shut, out the St.

Louis Browns in his first start after receiving his Navy discharge and whipped Cleveland next. In 18 innings Benton has allowed only six hits, to take his place as a valuable complement to the pitching team of Dizzy Trout and Hal Newhouser. BACK STOP Catcher Mickey Livingston came out of the Army in November and took control of the Chicago Cubs receiving in spring training, working all but one of the games to date. The former Fhil hit .273 against strong western pitching. Harry "Peanuts" Lowrey, diminutive Cubs centerfielder, replaced Andy Pafko in the middle garden for Charley Grimm's highflying team and showed promise with a .250 batting average.

He came out of the-service in midwinter. Billy Southworth is banking heavily on another former G.I., Albert "Red" Schoendienst, who was heralded as a sensation before his minor league career was halted at Rochester last spring by the Army. DIVE HALTED The Boston Red Sox pulled out of their alarming nosedive shortly after Jack Tobin recovered from a finger injury and was able to go to third base. A brother of the Braves' Jim Tobin, young Jack was discharged from the Navy after two and a half years service and created a mild sensation at the Atlantic City training camp. Latest Red Sox surprise is Dave "Bo" Ferriss, discharged from the Army Air Force in February, and who broke in yesterday with a 2-0 whitewash of Philadelphia.

Van Lingle "The New" Mungo wasn't able to win one of his first three starts for the New York Giants but Mel Ott is counting heavily on the former soldier. He actually hasn't pitched a bad game. Little Vic Lombardi of Brooklyn stopped the Giants. on relief after coming to the Brooks from the service. Cooper In Today St.

Louis, April 30 (IP) Walker Cooper, team captain of the World Champion St. Louis Cardinals, will be inducted into the army tomorrow at Jefferson Barracks. Dietrich Out Chicago, April 30 VP) Pitcher Bill Dietrich of the Chicago White Sox may be benched a it just exactly right one day year or so ago and caught 50 good sunnsn in one day. Barnes also reports that more than 200 anglers were after 'em Sunday a week ago in that spot. The bass and crappie were taking artificial bait as well as live and the drum and perch were going for worms as often as anyone had a right to expect.

25,000 Bass Fry Ed Ernst, member of the State Game and Fish Commission, and Clipp Sipe put 17,000 small-mouth bass fry into Busath's pond at Buechel yesterday afternoon, so they would have room to grow and be planted in public waters as fingerlings this fall. Saturday, Ernst and the State seining crew put 8,000 of the same kind of fry in the 24 -acre pond. Juniors to Form It is likely that a junior conservation club will be formed at Jeffersontown tonight. Ed Adams, superintendent of junior club work for the Division of Game and Fish, and members of the Jefferson County Sportsmen's Club, will direct the meeting in the high school. BREGER ton Red Sox wouldn't take for his contract.

For it was 23-year-old Ferriss who stode the baseball headlines yesterday in the first major league game he ever pitched, shutting out the Philadelphia A's 2-0 and getting three hits in as many times at bat. The A's made only five hits, only one of them for extra Eases, and the strapping youngster struck out five batters. ONE LOOK On February 26, the Army Air Forces unexpectedly handed Ferriss his honorable discharge because of chronic asthma. Under contract to the Red Sox, he wired Cronin for instructions and was told to report to the Louisville farm club in the American Association. Nemo Leibold, manager at Louisville, took one 1 look at the six-foot, three-inch 210-pound righthander, watched his whistling fast bSll and wired Cronin: "You can use this lad." Cronin wired back to "Hold him awhile." Ferris pitched six innings for Louisville against Bucky Walters and the Cincinnati Reds, and he showed enough to make Leibold more emphatic in a second wire which said simply: "Take this boy." Four days ago Ferriss reported to the Red Sox and saw his first Butler Lake Open to Fishing May Closing Waived By Conservation Department KEN TAYLOR, Assistant Sports Editor.

Totals 40 13 24 12 for Kniem 8., Toledo 101 020 100 5 13 1 Indianapolis 413 000 30x 11 1 Fletcher. Kimble. BBI Boken. Wentzel 3. Davis, Morgan.

Fletcher 2. Jiminer. iRnaslak, Lanfersieck 2. Dur- heim. HelUel 2.

2BH Boken. Lanfer- sieck. 3RH Wrntel. MorBJin. Fletcher.

SB English. DP Wren. Kimble 10 Ia- nMak: Lanfermpck. Wren to Ignasialc. LOB Tol.

11. Ind. 8. BB Jimtnez 2. Mains 4.

Kaufman S. Knierim 1. Dur-heim 1. SO Jiminez 4. Mains 3.

Kaufman 2. Knierim 1. Durheim 1. Off Mains 5 in 2 2-3 inning: Powell 0 in 1. Jiminez 11 In 8 2-3.

nurhelm 2 in 2 1-3. a 3 1-2. Knienm i i. Minn ah.h pn.a. K.

C. ah no a. Jack'uk a Nowak Dan ker 2 Dill Maiillnt 4 0 2 8 Babe 2 .12 11 8 3 2 4 I 3 0 King 8 I'm ker a 3 0 2 0 2 4 3 I I 0 3 0 3 A 1 3 5 3 0 4 2 12 3 0 2 4 1 0 0 Seraflnl 1 3 0 lvr In 2 0 Pe'ce'ri 2 4 1 0 3 0 1 I 0 Hama 1 a Berge 3 5 I.afata lb 4 Blaoc 3 LlU'thal 4 Albrrt'n 0 Kah 0 2 Muer I 0 Crodhv I Jt'aot Stel tro m'er 0 0 0 0 0 More 0 Paero I'nlak Totals 38 12 27 18 tMt-Kenni for Moore in 7. for Castro in 8. M'rxhalt 0 i Jota! 33 8 27 1 Minneapolis 000 111 011 3 Kansas City 100 000 011 3 Serafinl.

Tucker 2. Jackimchuk 2 Pevencenzi. RBI Tucker. Barna. Nowak Berge, Devencenzf.

Danneker. Salrz saver. 2BH Lafata. Sattzgaver. HR Barna.

SB Jackimchuk. Danneker 2. Moore. DP Lilllenthal. Jackimchuk and LOBmnio.

WiY b'b Moore 1. Lillienthal 5. Uniak 1. 2. Albertson 1.

Kash 1. SO Moore 2. Lillienthal 2. L'niak 1. Moore 9 in Marshall 1 in 1 Albertson 1 In 3-3: Uniak 2 in 1: Lillienthal 7 in 7 2-3: Kath 0 in 2-3.

HBP Albertson Serafinl. WP-Lillienthal. LP Moore. Longson, Hill Top Wrestling Bill Tonight "Wild Bill" Longson defends his heavyweight wrestling title claim in the headliner of the Allen Athletic Club's weekly presentation at Columbia Gym Tuesday night. The 235-pound ace of the grappling goliaths meets another big Westerner, Barto Hill, 220, of California.

Tonight's semi-windup pits Jack Singer, 224, of Denver, and the rough and ready Spanish heavy from St. Louis, "Cherry' Vallinna, 227. The prelim brings out "Tuffy Truesdale and the veteran Louisville campaigner, "Blacksmith' Pedigo. They open the show at 8:30. Lay Beats Dawson.

Philadelphia, April 30 (AP Dorsey Lay. speedy Philadelphia lightweight, won a 10-round decision tonight over Freddy Dawson, of Chicago, in the Arena feature bout. Detroit. April 30 (API-Smdt Saddler of New York scored a technical knockout over Chiltndnna Valencia of Mexico City in the ninth round of the feature match tonight at Arcadia. Clieckcrhall Wins Another By 8 Lengths Checkerhall, the 3 year old Hairan colt that Louisville's Henry Forrest has named for the Kentucky Derby, took on older horses for the first time Sunday in Mexico and found them as easy to vanquish as he has ones of his own ace.

In turning back Nipsickl. Broad Grin, Soldier's Cap, Recognize, and others by eight lengths, Checkerhall equalled the mile and a sixteenth record of 1:43 25 at the Hipodromo de las Americas set a month ago by the older Gay Dalton. Checkerhall, who finished second in his first start in Mexico, now has won five races in a row, including an eight-length win over Be Fearless in the Derby Mexicano. His total margin of victory for the five races is 38 lengths. toraorraw Bites strut'! with tha 1700.

1 CYM B0X0FFICE, WA 9134 Night Call TA 3132 Manual Socks Valley Mate Crushes Jeff 11-4, Powell Hits Homer; Two Falls City Loop Games Billed Today By GENE MONTFORT, Courier-Journal Correspondent. Ralph KimmeFs Manual diamond men slapped Valley in a seven-inning affair at Manual 12-4 to highlight high school activities yesterday. Ken Pulliam, who was relieved by Dave Peaco*ck in the third, was the winning hurler, while Ferguson, whose mound duties were taken over by Scott in the third, was tabbed with the loss. Valley outhit the Crimsons 8-7. fined yesterday by Trial Com- missioner Ward Lehigh.

Future Reference Here's some Information you can put away in the filing cabinet of your mind for future reference. It's passed on by Lyter Barnes, conservation officer in Ohio County, from an old-time fisherman of Rochester. Watch the Green River when It's clear and wait for a rise. Then get down below the dam at Rochester and start fishin'. This old-timer told Barnes that he hit DDerfoy Air Radio station WHAS announced yesterday that it would broadcast the running of the first annual Kentucky Turtle Derby to be run Saturday night in the Jefferson County Armory.

The program, starting at .10:40, will be handled by P-ul Clark, sports announcer, and Ted Grizzard, the station's ad lib specialist. Proceeds from the eight-race card, presented by the American Legion, go to the Kentucky Society for Crippled Children. major league baseball game. What he did yesterday to the Athletics, Manager Connie Mack, Pitcher Bobo Newsom and the 25,000 fans will remember for a long time. When it was all over, he sat down in the club house, called for two big cartons of ice cream and had a celebration.

Take it from Cronin, he'll be a major leaguer for a long time to come. Tribe Problem Detroit, April 30 (General Manager Jack Zeller of the Detroit Tigers baseball team said tonight that "the trade with Cleveland involving Roy Cullenbine, Don Ross and Dutch Meyer stands whether Ross reports or not." Ross, Tiger third baseman, indicated that he was unwilling to report to the Indians. His wife said he planned to return to his home in Pasadena, Calif. "He's their property," Zeller said, "and their problem." The 30-year-old utility player was traded along with Lambert (Dutch) Meyer for Cullenbine, a former Tiger outfielder. which included baseball and track workouts, were highlighted by a practice golf engagement with K.M.I, at Crescent Hill.

The Tigers won 10b to 7. Today's schedule marks the continuation of Falls City baseball play with Male's meeting with Flaget on Shawnee diamond No. 4, St. non-loop engagement with Jeffersonville on Shawnee diamond No. 3, and Manual's tilt with K.M.I, at Lyndon.

Valley Manual Ferguson. Scott Peaco*ck (3) West. 110 002 0 4 8 128 100 12 7 (3) Hollis Pulliam, Male 025 400 118 1 Jeff 102 100 4 3 Cain Hickman; Warner, Lewis t3t Clegg. tike our ier an- -ur recipe nvy ot every tbe Ml bet 1 Philadelphia, 30 (UP) Romance never dies in baseball. Less than three months ago, Big Dave Ferriss was an unsung Army corporal at Randolph Field, Texas.

Tonight, Manager Joe Cronin of the Bos- Dave Ferriss Girl Bowlers Spank Men At 5th Street "Nuts to the weaker sex stuff!" say members of the Battery Men's League. Last night on the Fifth Avenue alleys, the men's league pitted two teams against teams from the Battery Ladies League. The Shes defeated the Hes 2,925 to 2,820 and the Girls defeated the Boys 2,952 to 2,541. And that was 516 pins advantage for the "weaker sex." -t E. C.

Mitchell and Charles Beswick won the blind doubles tournament of the Central League at Madrid with a 1,309, and C. Haynes and L. Norheimer won the blind doubles of the Crescent Hill League at Landohr with 1,214. The leading individual score last night was turned in by George Schweikert in the Central loop. It was a 636, which included a 247 tally.

William Mc-Cord had a 621, with a 235 and E. C. Mitchell had a 242. FOUR 6 0 0'S Four 600 series were rolled in the Landohr Major League. Howard "Red" Ryan as the leader with a 628, followed by Jacques Curwen 619, Aloysius Stich 613, and Earl Kyser 612.

Two league pennants were won last night. Frank Rush's team boosted its lead to 17 games with 12 to go in the Vernon 835-Pin-age League and R. Wieland's team took the Crescent Hill League at Landohr with 57 victories and 39 losses from L. Konkle's outfit, which had a 55-41 record. The Broad-Brook Men's Summer League opens tonight with 18 teams enrolled.

At Firth Avenae Mrs. Verna Pate had a 225 in a f92 series. Mrs. L. Williamson had a 230, Mrs.

Catherine Lee 212. Mrs. Doris Bohnert 209 and Mrs. Billie Jockell 205. At Parkmeor Herschel Million turned in the best score in the Right Production League, a 570.

Bud Bjrdwell had 545 and Pete Geiser 551. At l.andohr G. White's 54T was the best fteries in the Crescent Hill League. W. Jackson splattered 539 and C.

Haynes 516. with a 223 game. At Vernon Joe Traham had a 210 and a 205 game in his leading 608 series. Emil Schmidt had 594 with a 212 and a 207 and Louis Laslev had 581 with a 221. Kissel's 229 was best Individual game.

At Broad-Brook Ben Gerber's (103 was was best in the Sivori 750-Pinnage League as F. Sesensi flattened a 243 flame. William Schmidt's 509 was best the C.I.O. League and Ry Skaggs led the individuals with 200. af i ASEBALL TONDTE! 8 P.M., PARKWAY FIELD FIRST MEETING OF HARRY LEIBOLD' COLONELS AND BILL BURW ELL'S HOOSffRS.

DO NOT MISS THIS HISTORIC COMBAT! By I IShermen along the north- ern border of Kentucky from Covington to Louisville got a break yesterday. Katie Vallandingham, custodian of Butler State Park Lake, near Carrollton, announced that she had received instructions that fishing would be allowed in the lake for the entire month of May. The word came from Harold Browning, commissioner of conservation for Kentucky, that the lake would be left open this May instead of being closed during the spawning season-as has been the case in past years. Jurisdiction of the lake is under the Division of Parks, a part of the Conservation Department. BEST IN YEARS H.

B. Schuerman, who relays all the hunting and fishing news from that section, reported last week that the fishing at Butler Lake during April, had been the best in years. During the past two weeks the 45-acre lake has yielded liberal catches of bass, newlights and catfish and for the first time in the history of the lake anglers have been catching white bass in Butler. It is thought the recent flood waters of the Kentucky River carried the whites into the lake. Butler Lake has been one of the most popular fishing grounds in Kentucky because it is within the range of anglers from both the Covington and Louisville metropolitan areas.

Reports throughout last year, indicated that Butler was becoming overstocked and Browning's action is made with the hope of improving angling during the other months of the summer and fall. Angler Fined It cost Baker Johnson, 25, Negro, 1825 Cedar, $30.50 because he failed to get a license before fishing in Harrods Creek last Saturday. Arrested by Cliff Sipet conservation officer, Baker was Ellison, Belmont Softies Triumph The Ellison A. C. and Belmont A.

C. Softball teams won practice games yesterday, Ellison topping Paper Station No. 25 by 5-2 as Bobby Haner pitched a one-hitter and Belmont tipped Gremlin 4-3 behind Ken Schoen's Private Breger Abroad 3 By DAVE Reserratioos far this clash and far Hoosiert may ba mad bj calling MA An intra-mural track meet also was held at Manual of boys who were not originally out for the squad with class 10A grabbing honors with 34 points and 12A placing second with 24. Jim Murer was impressive in the mile event, while there were several varsity prospects in the dashes. 5 IN 3D r.

The Male High nine defeated Jeffersonville in a six-inning surprise go at TJ. of 11-4. Mac Cain went the distance for the PurpTePvviiiieWarneri-TSfho was relieved by Lewis in the third, was charged with the setback. Male went into high gear in the third and pushed across five runs. Dale Powell, who drove in three runs, for Male, and Bill Gedling of Jeff hit homers.

At St. the day's events, New Golf Balls Soon. Washington. April 30 (AP Golf balls will soon return to production, courtesy of the War Production Board. W.P.B.

now is planning a revision of rubber regulations which would permit manufacture of new golf balls with neoprene synthetic rubber interiors. Demand RETURN ENGAGEMENT of "THE LAMONDS" EvBlyn and Paulino PIANO AND ORGAN DUO Whrr Frienrfi Meet I AT COLUMBIA GYM Main Go World's Heavyweight Champion "wild bill." ILdDIGSCD vs. BARTO Sentl-lw Ittdiip valliiva vs. jack singer Opener "Tuffy' Truesdale vs. "Blacksmith" Pedigo Tickets Now At ADAM HAT STORE 413 S.

Fourth A 4831 'Sir, I think I have reason to suspect a spy!.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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