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6. Hogwarts Legacy - Home

  • PORTKEY GAMES, HOGWARTS LEGACY, WIZARDING WORLD AND HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia © and ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB WARNER ...

  • Experience Hogwarts in the 1800s. Your character is a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. Make allies, battle Dark wizards and decide the fate of the wizarding world.

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Hogwarts Legacy Iggames (2025)


Do your answers in Hogwarts Legacy matter? ›

While there may be some different dialogue options, they don't affect the student's actions, NPC relationships, or the direction of the mission.

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Malicious behavior

The domain igg-games.com attracts users with free games and cracks but the provided links sometimes lead to PUPs, adware and malware.

How hard is it to 100% Hogwarts Legacy? ›

On average, a full 100% completionist run of Hogwarts Legacy will take around 68 hours, meaning MuchMoreMatt spent approximately 272 hours to achieve the monumental feat of 400% completion. Fellow Hogwarts Legacy fans were dumbstruck by the achievement, noting the sheer dedication required to achieve such a feat.

What is the hardest thing to catch in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

Understandably, the Phoenix is the most difficult creature to acquire in Hogwarts Legacy. Not only is it given through a special quest, but it can't be bred, so players will only get one in the game. The other downside is that there's not a shiny version of the Phoenix.

How many endings does Hogwarts Legacy have? ›

Following in the traditions of many story-driven, open-world titles, Hogwarts Legacy has multiple endings. There are a total of 3 possible Endings in Hogwarts Legacy that players can achieve. These have been colloquially dubbed the Good Ending, the Evil / Bad Ending, and the True Ending.

Is Natty or Sebastian better? ›

This choice doesn't affect the main story or Hogwarts Legacy's ending, so it really is just up to the player to decide which character they'd rather go with. So, whichever character is chosen to visit the iconic Hogwarts Legacy location, players can rest easy that it won't have a lasting impact on their game.

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(I Got Games, also previously known as Internet Gaming Gate) is a Chinese video game developer and publisher.

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While IGG Games is a fairly well-known and reputable game-pirating website, there have been some reports of malware and other security issues associated with it. Be sure to research and double-check any game files you download, regardless of the source, before installing them on your computer.

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Steam Unlocked provides gamers with free games downloads without incurring a cost, while also purporting to scan all files for malware and viruses. However, gamers must be mindful that this platform is illegal as it constitutes piracy - for best results use legal platforms such as Steam or Epic Games Store instead.

How many people have 100% completed Hogwarts Legacy? ›

If you look at Hogwarts Legacy's global gameplay stats on its official Steam page, you'll find that only 26% of players have obtained the achievement, The Hero of Hogwarts.

How many hours is 100 Hogwarts Legacy? ›

Make allies, battle Dark wizards and decide the fate of the wizarding world. How long is Hogwarts Legacy? When focusing on the main objectives, Hogwarts Legacy is about 26½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 69½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many hours will it take to beat Hogwarts Legacy? ›

It should take around 30-35 hours to beat Hogwarts Legacy if you focus primarily on the story. As it is an open-world game, filled with exploration and side quests, you could be playing it for a lot longer than that.

What is the rarest core in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

Phoenix. This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this.

What is the rarest creature to catch in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

The Phoenix, the mythical bird with healing tears that will burst into flames upon its death and then be reborn from the ashes, is the rarest creature in Hogwarts Legacy. There is only one in the game, and it can only be found and caught by completing one final quest from Deek called "Phoenix Rising."

What's the hardest boss in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

1 Ranrok Dragon

The final boss of Hogwarts Legacy is, unsurprisingly, the most challenging and powerful boss in the entire game. It is incredibly difficult to block most of the dragon's attacks, so players should focus primarily on dodging instead in this fight.

Does telling the truth matter in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

The decision to lie or tell the truth to Professor Weasley is purely for role-playing purposes and does not affect character relationships either.

Does your ending matter in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

So no matter which ending you prefer to get, in the end it just means nothing in terms you story progression. You can choose to become "evil" and you will still be the same afterwards. You don't gain any benefits, any buffs, or any new skills at all.

Does it matter what you do with the repository Hogwarts Legacy? ›

Choosing "I intend to keep it contained here" causes Fig to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing your plan is to keep it contained and not repeat the mistakes of Isidora, and you can then choose whether to keep it a secret "for now" or "forever". Regardless of your choice here, Fig agrees this is the right path.

Does it matter if you mean in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

The Hogwarts Legacy FAQ states: "Hogwarts Legacy does not have a morality system, but players will encounter various quests and storylines that will influence the witch or wizard they choose to become."


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.