Careers Job Application (2025)

Jobs to be applied for

طباعة الطللب

  • 1 Personal information
  • 2 Qualifications
  • 3 Experience
  • 4 Attachements

Mandatory fields (*)

Personal information


- - -
Not Valid Number for part 1 - Not Valid Number for part 2 - Not Valid Number for part 3 - Not Valid Number for part 4

Current address






Permanent Address


Qualification Name
Qualification Country
Qualification Degree Date
Has the qualification been attested?
Has the qualification been equalized?



Country of experience
Has the experience certificate been certified?


Hobbies and skills

Computer Skills




Attachements(Accepted PDF format) - (Maximum size 1MB file)











" + el.JobTitle + "

" + dateres + "

" + dateresto + "

" + el.ExpCountry + "

" + attsval + "

"; $("#adminexperience").append(rowsadded); $("#experience_table").append(rowsadded); }); if (counter == 0) { $("#adminexperience").append("

لا توجد خبرات عملية سابقة

"); $("#experience_table").append("

لا توجد خبرات عملية سابقة

"); } }).catch( function(err) { console.log(err.message); }); }function getQualifications(JobID){var Web = "/Admin"; var filters = ""; var baseurl= _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + Web; pnp.sp._baseUrl=baseurl; var rowsadded = "

اسم المؤهلالجهة المانحةبلد الجهةتاريخ الحصول علي الدرجةالتخصص العامالتخصص الدقيقهل تم تصديق المؤهل؟هل تم معادلة المؤهل؟

"; $("#adminqualification").append(rowsadded); $("#qualification_table").append(rowsadded); pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle(CareerQualificationsList).items.filter("JobApplication eq '"+JobID+"'").get().then(function(data) { data.forEach(function (el) { var d = new Date(el.DegreeDate); var dateres = (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + '/' + d.getFullYear(); var attsval = ""; var equaval = ""; if (el.Qua_Attes == true) attsval = "نعم"; else attsval = "لا"; if (el.Qua_Equa == true) equaval = "نعم"; else equaval = "لا"; rowsadded = "

" + el.Title + "

" + el.Institute + "

" + el.Country + "

" + dateres + "

" + el.Major + "

" + el.Minor + "

" + attsval + "

" + equaval + "

"; $("#adminqualification").append(rowsadded); $("#qualification_table").append(rowsadded); }); }).catch( function(err) { console.log(err.message); }); }function loadCareersLocalizationDetail() { var listName = "Localization"; var web = "/Admin"; var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(web); var caml = new SP.CamlQuery(); var filter = "


"; caml.set_viewXml("

" + filter + "

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} if (currentresidentcountry == "United Arab Emirates" && currentnationality != "United Arab Emirates") { $("#resident_visa_cont").show(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator6'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], true); } else { $("#resident_visa_cont").hide(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator6'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); } }); $("#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_select_Country").change(function () { var currentresidentcountry = $(this).val(); var currentnationality = $("#select_CurrentNationality").val(); if (currentresidentcountry == "United Arab Emirates" && currentnationality != "United Arab Emirates") { $("#resident_visa_cont").show(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator6'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], true); } else { $("#resident_visa_cont").hide(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator6'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); } }); // emad $("#ExpCountry").change(function () { var expcountry = $(this).val(); if (expcountry != "الإمارات العربية المتحدة") { $("#expisattscont").show(); } else {$("#expisattscont").hide(); } }); // www $("#doyouhaveotherworkchoice input").click(function () { var choosenvalue = $(this).val(); if (choosenvalue == "yes") { $("#otherworkcont").show(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator5'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], true); } else { $("#LastWorkName").val(""); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator5'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); $("#otherworkcont").hide(); } }); $("#doyouhavepreviousexperience input").click(function () { var choosenvalue = $(this).val(); if (choosenvalue == "yes") { $("#addexpcont").show(); } else { $("#addexpcont").hide(); $("#experr").text(""); } }); if ($("#select_CurrentNationality").val() == "United Arab Emirates") { $("#selectuaecitypass").show(); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator1'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], true); } else { $("#PassportPlaceofIssue").val("0"); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator1'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); $("#selectuaecitypass").hide(); } validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator5'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); $("#otherworkcont").hide(); $("#resident_visa_cont").hide(); } else if (jobType == "2") { $("#PassportPlaceofIssue").val("0"); var validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator1'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); $("#selectuaecitypass").hide(); $("#LastWorkName").val(""); validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator5'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); $("#otherworkcont").hide(); validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator6'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator4'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); validator1 = $('#ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_RequiredFieldValidator7'); ValidatorEnable(validator1[0], false); } } function addQualification() { var qualificationtype = $("#qualification_type").val(); var institname = $("#qualification_instit").val(); var qualificationcountry = $("#qualification_country").val(); var qualificationcountrytext = $("#qualification_country option:selected").text(); var qualificationdate = $("#qualification_date").val(); var qualificationmajor = $("#qualification_major").val(); var qualificationminor = $("#qualification_minor").val(); var qua_attes = $("#Qua_Attestation input:radio:checked").val(); var qua_equa = $("#Qua_Equavalency input:radio:checked").val(); if (qualificationtype != "0" && institname != "" && qualificationcountry != "0" && qualificationdate != "" && qualificationmajor != "" && qualificationminor != "" && qua_attes != undefined && qua_equa != undefined) { $("#quaerr").text(""); var rowCount = $("[id*=GridView1] td").closest("tr").length; if (rowCount == 9) { $("#addquacont").hide(); } var updateProgress = $get("ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_updateProgress2"); = "block"; return true; } else { $("#quaerr").text("Please complete all fields"); return false; } } // emad function addExperience() { var employername = $("#employer_name").val(); var designation = $("#designation").val(); var experienceFrom = $("#experienceFrom").val(); var experienceTo = $("#experienceTo").val(); var exp_checknow = document.getElementById('exp_checknow').checked; var expcountry = $("#ExpCountry").val(); if (employername != "" && designation != "" && experienceFrom != "" && (experienceTo != "" || exp_checknow) && expcountry != "0") { if (exp_checknow) experienceTo = "Till Now"; $("#experr").text(""); var rowCount = $("[id*=GridView2] td").closest("tr").length; if (rowCount == 9 || experienceTo == "Till Now") { $("#addexpcont").hide(); } var updateProgress = $get("ctl00_ctl39_g_133e4bfa_41f6_49eb_b1d3_f9f0e581d1e9_updateProgress3"); = "block"; return true; } else { $("#experr").text("Please complete all fields"); return false; } } function deleteRow() { var rowCount = $("[id*=GridView1] td").closest("tr").length; if (rowCount == 10) { $("#addquacont").show(); } } function deleteExpRow(element) { var res = false; var tillnow = "Till Now"; $('[id*=GridView2] td').each(function (index, val) { if(val.innerText == tillnow){ res = true; } }); var tillnowres = element.parentElement.previousSibling.innerText; if (tillnowres == tillnow) res = false; var rowCount = $("[id*=GridView2] td").closest("tr").length; if (rowCount <= 10 && res == false) { $("#addexpcont").show(); } } function CheckQualificationAndExperience() { var errortxt = "Add at least one qualification"; var errortxt2 = "Add at least one experience"; var rowCount = $("[id*=GridView1] td").closest("tr").length; var rowCount2 = $("[id*=GridView2] td").closest("tr").length; var doyouhaveprevexp = $("#DoYouHavePrevExp input:radio:checked").val(); $("#quaerr").text(""); $("#experr").text(""); if (rowCount == 0 || (rowCount2 == 0 && doyouhaveprevexp == "yes")) { if (rowCount == 0) { $("#quaerr").text(errortxt); } if (rowCount2 == 0 && doyouhaveprevexp == "yes") { $("#experr").text(errortxt2); } return false; } else if (rowCount > 0 && rowCount2 > 0) { $("#quaerr").text(""); $("#experr").text(""); } return true; }

            Job Application (2025)


Why am I not getting any responses from my job applications? ›

2. The main reasons you're not getting a response. One of the most common reasons why job seekers don't hear back from employers is that the position has already been filled. Sometimes employers forget to close job postings or fail to update candidates when the position is filled.

How to best answer job application questions? ›

Use the STAR technique (AKA “show don't tell”) to answer where possible. Provide concrete examples, not just statements. Write original answers – don't copy and paste from resumes or cover letters. Avoid plain “yes” or “no” answers.

How long should answers be on job application questions? ›

How long should interview answers be?
  • Your response may be short (30 seconds to two minutes) if the question is simple. ...
  • Your response may be longer (two to four minutes) if the inquiry is complex, which is common for behavioral questions or in-depth questions about your experience.
Nov 30, 2023

Should you respond to all job applications? ›

Yes, you should respond to all job applicants, including those you don't interview. Best practices include acknowledging receipt of the application and an update on the next step.

Why are my job applications being ignored? ›

The hiring manager is simply too busy.

“Many hiring managers don't follow up because there's simply not enough time,” one hiring manager said. “For each job that we post, there may be hundreds of job applications. Answering each and every one of those would be a full-time job in and of itself.”

Why are all my job applications keep getting rejected? ›

Too many qualifications

Perhaps you've worked as a supervisor for 20 years, but the company prefers a candidate with limited industry experience. The job rejection letter may represent that you're "overqualified," which can mean the employer is seeking a professional who can learn industry standards for the first time.

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

What is the STAR method? The STAR method is an interview technique that gives you a straightforward format you can use to tell a story by laying out the situation, task, action, and result.

How soon should I expect a response from a job application? ›

Time to hire usually depends on the size of the company you've applied to. For example, large companies (circa 1,000 employees) can take an average of 11 – 14 days to respond to candidates, where medium and small companies take roughly a week.

How many times should you reach out about a job application? ›

How many times can you follow up on a job application? If you follow up after two weeks and still haven't received a response after that, be sure you're only following up once every few weeks. There's a chance the company paused its hiring process or is taking its time to examine each candidate thoroughly.

What percentage of job applications get a response? ›

The average job seeker has a response rate of 10%-30%.

Is it unprofessional to follow up on a job application? ›

In some companies, with a more formal recruiting process, reaching out to a hiring manager after you send an application may be seen as unprofessional. However, those companies will usually place on their job listing that they don't want applicants reaching out to them before they make their choice.

How many jobs should you apply too? ›

Is there an optimal number of jobs I should apply for each day to maximize my chances of getting hired? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, a balanced approach is key. Aim to apply for 2-3 jobs per day, ensuring you're able to tailor each application to the job and company.

Why didn't I hear back from a job application? ›

Why don't employers let applicants know they didn't get the job? There can be any number of reasons but the most common answer is simply that employers can get hundreds or even thousands of applications and don't have the time to respond to every applicant individually.

How long does it usually take to get a reply from a job application? ›

Time to hire usually depends on the size of the company you've applied to. For example, large companies (circa 1,000 employees) can take an average of 11 – 14 days to respond to candidates, where medium and small companies take roughly a week.

How do you follow up on a job application after no response? ›

How to write a follow-up email after job application
  1. Keep your message concise and clear. Again, hiring managers are busy people and they don't have time for unnecessary long emails. ...
  2. Reiterate your interest in the position. ...
  3. Highlight your skills. ...
  4. Show gratitude. ...
  5. Express your desire for an interview. ...
  6. Proofread one more time.

Why do employers not respond to applicants? ›

There's the possibility that the company experienced some major changes and no longer has the budget to hire you. Or, they decided to fill the position with an internal candidate. It's also possible that the company has frozen hiring or is going through restructuring.


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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 5347

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.